Why choose us?

Why choose us?

1. Chameleon has all the capabilities from R & D to production, providing safe and reliable ink and market protection for more than 100+ RISO distributors around the world. The sales of 10+ exclusive distributors continued to grow during the virus pandemic, with a maximum of 500%.

2.We can provide advertising materials, marketing strategies, accessory support and customer protection.

3.If you are an exclusive distributor, you will also receive additional market protection policy support. You can enjoy all the benefits of a stable market on your own, including considerable profits.

4. We are a manufacturer of high-end oil-based pigments and environmentally friendly inks. 

   In the future, we will open up products with strong advantages in other areas of inkjet printers, and you will be   given priority to obtain agent qualifications.

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Why choose us?

1. Chameleon has all the capabilities from R & D to production, providing safe and reliable ink and market protection for more than 100+ RISO distributors around the world. The sales of 10+ exclusive distributors continued to grow during the virus pandemic, with a maximum of 500%.

2. We can provide advertising materials, marketing strategies, accessory support and customer protection.

3. If you are an exclusive distributor, you will also receive additional market protection policy support. 

    You can enjoy all the benefits of a stable market on your own, including considerable profits.

4. We are a manufacturer of high-end oil-based pigments and environmentally friendly inks. 

   In the future, we will open up products with strong advantages in other areas of inkjet printers, and you will be        given priority to obtain agent qualifications.

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